Reports of my demise are premature. I just haven't blogged in a while because I'm lazy. Had a great birthday Thursday. Took my pops to the New Yankee Stadium to watch the Bombers whup the O's. Loved the new digs. Lots of room to walk around and pee, things that were severaly lacking in the old stadium. Still can't get over the fact that beers were $10 a pop (2 beers at NY=30 pack at package store), but what are you going to do. My dad is also going to the Stadium Saturday with my brother. He's going to have to take out a small loan. Anyway, two thumbs up from dad and I on the new Yankee Cathedral. Our original seats were upper, upper, upper deck, but I was able to persuade a security guard to let us move down. (Good story from my pops, who recalled slipping an usher a 5-spot in the 70s to move three of us behind home plate vs. the Red Sox. Guessing beers weren't $10 then). We had a great view for 5-plus innings before deciding to move down even further. The best thing about the Stadium is the fact that you can walk around and actually stand and watch the game behind the railing down low. There's a much friendlier atmosphere there, with staffers all over holding signs reading, "How can I help you."
Overall it was a great time and great place.