So, Manny Ramirez was suspended for 50 games by Major League Baseball on Thursday for failing a drug test. Surprise, surprise, surprise.
Maybe he did it because chicks dig the long ball.

I'm sure he'll be grilled by MLB, maybe even Congress.

He's in elite company.

Could there be others to follow?

Seriously, the Yankee fan in me wants to feel good that someone from the Nation, or with ties to the Nation, finally got nabbed, but I don't. Maybe I'm getting old, but I don't believe that anyone's clean anymore. And I resent the amount of money they're getting paid. It's official, I am getting old.

I've long said that Vince McMahon should start a league, The XXXXL, which features nothing but athletes all hopped up on performance enhancing drugs.

I'm sure Afa and Sika would put up some serious power numbers.

But who would they get to manage them.
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